Social Media is an integral part of your marketing and sales program. We establish best of breed SEO on your website for organic traffic creation. More importantly, we set up your FaceBook, Instagram and TicTok accounts. We help you create video content to place on Youtube along with helping you create your LinkedIn profile. Additionally we establish you on Yelp and other yellowpage listing services. This all helps you get noticed on-line. We then help you with on-line advertising and sales programs which help you achieve your targeted sales goals. Markteing, Marketing, Marketing! We help you with all of the content creation which is what most business owners struggle with. Everything we do helps establish you in business and builds a consistant brand message across multiple channels. Our professionals are experts in each dicipline and know how to avoid the nuances and pitfalls of each marketing channel. This is a must in business and something you really can't buy for the price point we offer considering the return on sales.
There are many social media and sales channels that can be selected from. We steer you into the most vital and profitable channels so that you can achieve a sales goal with returns of and on investment that you are looking to achieve. Although not exclusive, some of the channels we review to position you in include LinkedIn, Wikipedia, Facebook, YouTube, WatsApp, Instagram, Tik Tok, We Chat, Messenger, Telegram, Shapchat, Twitter, Truth Social, Google Ads, MSN Adds, Yahoo Ads, Back Links, DownChannels, Affiliate Marketing to name a few. This is where we excel! Get in touch with us by clicking on the "Contact Us" button below and let the IT Pros make your business a success.
We discuss your product, brand & marketing channels.
Our specialized calendar keeps you on track of tasks.
We enforce a calendar for marketing & sales tasks.
2 months to go live with your website & marketing plan.
When you build it they will come...Right. No, like every business once you build it no one will come. That is where the marketing comes into play. We position you with expert marketers in each marketing channel that will be leveraged for your business. That way you do not have to learn how to market in that channel, but are able to effectively and quickly launch your product and service and get it noticed. Most of a Business Owner's day is consumed with writing content. However, many Business Owners struggle to put words down on paper or if they can, they can't get it into a final consumable format by the viewing audience. That may be html for a web page, a brochure, and ad, a .pdf etc.. We help with all that by providing beautiful templates you can leverage or have us create the content for you."
As with every successful business startup we start with the final product vision and then we work backwards to bring that to reality. We spend time with you vetting the probability of your vision working; in that it will achieve the sales goals you need to support your current lifestyle. Not every business explodes off the launch pad. Many businesses experience a trial and error process until the magic mix is identified and then a more focused marketing buildout will achieve addtional sales coming into your account. We work quickly up front and during every cycle to not make the tech a process, but to get it done so that sales can occur.
We work with you using a calendar to build out a marketing and sales plan.
As we build, you enter content, prices for products etc.
We create the content for the marketing in time for website launch.