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Virtual Desktop Creation

We set your company up the correct way from the beginning allowing you to log into a virtual desktop on the web with hundreds of applications and tools at your disposal. Your Secure Desktops are hosted in the cloud with 24/7 support and built in redundancy. Every person in your company can use 2 to 4 monitors from their home office and work quickly and efficiently. No more opening and closing windows forgetting where you were on a page. Users can drag and drop anything fron one screen to another and see what they are working on without having to open and close windows. This effectively makes every person you hire 3 people due to substantial time savings in getting tasks done. Additionally, you can hire anyone from around the globe allowing you to hire professionals as opposed to an employee that lives in your local and has limited skills.

Virtual desktops are secure, redundant and are backed up daily. All your files stay on your server eliminating any issue whereby employees download documents or files. This is where we excel! Get in touch with us by clicking on the "Contact Us" button below and let the IT Pros make your business a success.


Dream BIG - Start with YOUR Vision of the company.

Work Steps

Our specialized calendar keeps you on track of tasks.

Stay Focused

We keep you focused by enforcing calendar tasks.

Time to Market

The time to market is less than 2 months to go live.

Best of Breed Virtual Desktops - Advantages

Every imaginable tool and technology is at your fingertips with our virtual desktops. (Microsoft Office including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, E-mail, Calendar, Teams for free conference calling, diagramming tools, Chat, sophisticated e-mail responders and workflow handlers) and the list goes on and on. There is literally nothing you cannot do with these desktops. Stay in touch with your team at all times during the day as if they are sitting right next to you but may be around the globe! This desktop design significantly reduces your cost of running a business on a daily basis."

How you benefit

You don't have to learn technology.

Your team is tightly integrated and on-line.

Your can schedule meetings in a snap.

You get the best price point on hiring global staff.

Working Process

We we set up your desktops under a fully qualified domain name = Your users simply log into their desktop by accessing a web page online with any web browser. Then, once logged on, your users are looking at and using the on-line desktop and not their own desktop. Users can use 2 to 4 monitors allowing them to have a calendar on one screen, e-mail on another, and use the other monitors to view work and drag needed files and content to another screen. Users can use any monitor for whatever and however they like. Fully customizable by simply dragging and dropping windows onto the screen as users are familiar with working from home. Highly efficient!!!


Log in

Users access a web page and log into their virtual desktop at


Open Files

Users can open any program or file on any screen. Word, Excel, Calendar, etc..


Start Working

Users can drag and drop any window from any screen to another for copy and paste efficiency.